Dummycrats are all about election theft and it’s so bad that they’ll even steal their own primary from their own voters. This is a page right out of the USSR and Nazi Germany.
Biden lies to much. Everything Biden says is a lie and the Democrats back him. TOO MANY LIES. Biden is NOT helping the American people. America is sinking with Biden.
If BIDUMBASS has any brain left, he knows that in his filthy conscience he lost the 2020 P election. The only way he can win again is with China’s help, AI interference, the socialist media, big tech, simply put another STOLEN election.
Dummycrats are all about election theft and it’s so bad that they’ll even steal their own primary from their own voters. This is a page right out of the USSR and Nazi Germany.
Biden lies to much. Everything Biden says is a lie and the Democrats back him. TOO MANY LIES. Biden is NOT helping the American people. America is sinking with Biden.
If BIDUMBASS has any brain left, he knows that in his filthy conscience he lost the 2020 P election. The only way he can win again is with China’s help, AI interference, the socialist media, big tech, simply put another STOLEN election.
under Biden it has broke me he lies steals from U S A has heart less for the people for U S A