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Breakfast Club Exposes Their Racism While Getting Destroyed Vivek Ramaswamy In HEATED INTERVIEW!

Breakfast Club Exposes Their Racism While Getting Destroyed Vivek Ramaswamy In HEATED INTERVIEW!



As a black man who served as a commissioned USMC officer from 1990-1996, I could care less about her “I served in the Air Force” time. That was a statement intended to put herself in a superior virtue position as she immediately thereafter attacked him for not voting or taking part in American civic life. Everyone can see that she said it to set a tone that basically says, “You’re not a ‘real’ American because your family didn’t go through the historic period when slavery existed in this country, or fight for civil rights, etc.” These are the same jerks who will call themselves “Foundational Black Americans” to differentiate themselves from African and Caribbean immigrants who as a group generally outperform black Americans by wide margins. In short, those who call themselves FBAs are almost always black racists who expect that everyone else in America should take a back seat to them, pay them for past “harms” to black Americans and otherwise accept a lower status in society in real terms. The Breakfast Club is populated with such assholes and it’s why I would never waste my time watching these whiny, lazy and generally unintelligent n***as.

Imagine any white person telling another racial group “You’ve been sitting around in the country that my ancestors built.” Especially in public.

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