The gentleman should have taken the mayor up on his offer to go outside. It would have been pleasant to see this mayor beaten up. That this madness is occurring in California should not be surprising. The situation should be reversed with the Antioch police department investigating the State of California and the FBI.
another violent racist leftist/democrat showing off their violence and low IQ.
When are we going to admit that the left is the problem and prison is the answer. This mayor need to be put inot prison for his threats and then put in an insane asylum until he can prove he is not violent anymore.
The gentleman should have taken the mayor up on his offer to go outside. It would have been pleasant to see this mayor beaten up. That this madness is occurring in California should not be surprising. The situation should be reversed with the Antioch police department investigating the State of California and the FBI.
Now it’s on full display why New York is so screwed up. It’s the people running that city and the idiots who vote these corrupt wimpy jerks in.
Oh that poor little bitch. I’m a victim of racism. Boo hoo hoo. I wish that man would have taken the bitch up on going outside.
New York just loves to have big problems, and vote in a Mayor that is no good and does not work for the people.
another violent racist leftist/democrat showing off their violence and low IQ.
When are we going to admit that the left is the problem and prison is the answer. This mayor need to be put inot prison for his threats and then put in an insane asylum until he can prove he is not violent anymore.
Once again a black person proving they are violent low IQ arrogant people. the black privilege and Black supremacy is strong with this one.