Excuses from a very rude turd! Talk about “privilege”, this uncivilized as$ embarrassed not only himself/herself, but is too stupid or arrogant to realize this. If the tables had been turned, this idiot would be screaming from the rafters about a RUDE white privileged woman. Such a hypocrite (but aren’t the majority of these Woke-heads the same). Flash- WE ALL WANT TO GET OFF THE PLANE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE,YOU AREN’T THE ONLY ONE!
Excuses from a very rude turd! Talk about “privilege”, this uncivilized as$ embarrassed not only himself/herself, but is too stupid or arrogant to realize this. If the tables had been turned, this idiot would be screaming from the rafters about a RUDE white privileged woman. Such a hypocrite (but aren’t the majority of these Woke-heads the same). Flash- WE ALL WANT TO GET OFF THE PLANE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE,YOU AREN’T THE ONLY ONE!
He just wanted to see if he could get away with his bull. Then cry race card for his behavior.
What a freakin ignorant loser!