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Is Lizzo Guilty Of Sexual Harassment?

Is Lizzo Guilty Of Sexual Harassment?



Twerking on a baby and a man chest feeding are disturbing and disgusting. I’m a new mom of an 8 month old and it pisses me off on how their selfish and delusional selves can do that to these innocent babies. The freaks are getting bold out there. Protect the children from evil.

Just watching a man make a mockery of breasting , as a woman that wasn’t able to breast feed her children due to medical reasons it’s just horrible , kids should be off limits, I’m beyond blessed that my husband works so hard for me to be able to home school our kids and give them a chance to be just kids play outside and not be put on what our society wants them to follow. My husband is currently in the immigration process which is a whole backward system that needs some redoing big time. He supported me when my momma heart was not happy with the way school system was and my kids went to both private and public , homeschool works for them and our family.

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