School Caught Reading Lgbtq Book “I Am Jazz” To Second Graders Without Parental Consent



Makes me sick what they are doing to our kids. My daughters don’t put up with this shit .

I can’t imagine having a kid right now with these looney policies in place. If I did they’d be homeschooled. This is getting ridiculous.


  1. Perverts are running our government and they have infiltrated our schools and they are teaching our kids their filth.

  2. Do they also tell “the rest of the Jaz story”? She went through a multitude of painful surgeries to try to become a “girl” and become “happy”. Instead of happy, she is severely depressed, could not go to college (Harvard) because of the depression and suicidal actions. Now, she is afraid everyone is going to harm her (in reality, no one care what she thinks she is), her mother followers her when she leaves the house and spies on her, she gained over 100lbs and is still very depressed. Was it worth it?? Seems the only gain from transitioning was the $ they made from the TV show and fame.

  3. I am sick of the LGTBQ Crap in California! I learned this morning on 5/2/2023 children are being brain washed about their Gender. Thanks to the Democrats and the Gov. Newsom for pushing this issue. Every member in any School Board that pushes this crap should immediately be terminated from their positions, and that includes principals, Teachers/Professors and any scholastic official. I also feel that all elected and non elected officials in any governmental agency should not be allowed to perform their jhobs without facing litigation. That needs to be changed that all of them should face the same punishment as a regular American Citizen! No one should be above the law and that should include Senators, Congresswomen/Congressmen. All Federal agencies should also face the same circumstances.

    • A tiny minority doesn’t get to change all of society. These people need counseling to learn how to cope. The human brain doesn’t fully form until age 26. This forced indoctrination needs to stop now


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