The Significant Revelations from Comer’s Press Conference on the Biden Family Corruption



Making money is an action. Keeping money is behavior. Growing money is knowledge.

Hmm , I finally got my grass mowed yesterday , it was getting way high because it’s been too wet … btw , it takes me 3-1/2 hours with a Husqvarna 48″ mower deck to do the whole property … yeah I know that’s got nothing to do with the Biden cartel , but on the the other hand the Biden cartel has nothing to do with me needing to mow my grass , if that makes any sense to you !!! …


  1. Every single person at the DOJ, FBI, CIA, IRS, Marshals, and state police know the Biden family is completely corrupt. No one has to pay women to pretend they were raped by any Biden. no one has to fake Russian collusion, no one has to fake obstruction of justice. no one has to fake bribing the Ukraine, no one has to fake china payments for selling out america, american jobs, and american security.
    We don;t need corrupt fbi raids and evidence planting.

    We don’t need schiff or pelosi to buy fake whistle blowers. we don;t need corrupt NYC district attorney’s, soros bribes, or silicon valley corrupt billionaires.

    The bidens are leaving a trail of evidence an mile long behind them.

    The question is: why are every single government agency too corrupt to collect of the evidence and charge the biden crime family?

    What this tells you is that even if the elections are completely rigged this government would do nothing about it. we have a corrupt FBI, DOJ, Judges, and corrupt prosecutors. The juries in democrat cities are completely dishonest. there is no way voter fraud would be found and corrected.

    Any media source that claims no voter fraud is lying because they do not know.


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