My last month’s paycheck was 11000 dollars. All I did was simple 0nline work from comfort at home for 6-8 hours/day that I got from this agency I discovered over the internet and they paid me 45 dollars every hour.
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My relatives didn’t come over from Europe until 15 years AFTER the Civil War was over and they NEVER owned a slave of any kind. So if any black woke asshole comes on my property demanding reparations, they’ll get from the barrel of my shotgun at point blank range to the face. And if the woke blacks hate it here so much, GO BACK TO AFRICA! I can understand the American Indians complaint, but NOT the blacks, especially when it cost 600,000 Americans their lives fighting over the slavery issue.
My last month’s paycheck was 11000 dollars. All I did was simple 0nline work from comfort at home for 6-8 hours/day that I got from this agency I discovered over the internet and they paid me 45 dollars every hour.
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My relatives didn’t come over from Europe until 15 years AFTER the Civil War was over and they NEVER owned a slave of any kind. So if any black woke asshole comes on my property demanding reparations, they’ll get from the barrel of my shotgun at point blank range to the face. And if the woke blacks hate it here so much, GO BACK TO AFRICA! I can understand the American Indians complaint, but NOT the blacks, especially when it cost 600,000 Americans their lives fighting over the slavery issue.