It’s so ridiculous that the people are being paid to run the United States in a good way, but are screwing things up. Hell has a place for them. Eternal punishment. Claim God doesn’t exist is the usual line by criminals. Since they never researched God, how in the heck would they know anything? God doesn’t show himself to ignorant, lazy, evil people. Why would he? You must Repent in Jesus Name, and be Baptized and confess Jesus as Lord. Then God gives you the Holy Spirit for understanding. If not, you and your soul are lost. Hell is waiting for you.
It’s so ridiculous that the people are being paid to run the United States in a good way, but are screwing things up. Hell has a place for them. Eternal punishment. Claim God doesn’t exist is the usual line by criminals. Since they never researched God, how in the heck would they know anything? God doesn’t show himself to ignorant, lazy, evil people. Why would he? You must Repent in Jesus Name, and be Baptized and confess Jesus as Lord. Then God gives you the Holy Spirit for understanding. If not, you and your soul are lost. Hell is waiting for you.