We definitely need more Judges to support the American Citizens and somehow stop the damage that George W. Busch, Barrack Obama, Clintons and the entire corrupt Government have done in turning America into a third world nation. I thank God we have some Judges that do the right thing and strictly adhere to the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. God Bless this Judge. I think we need some Federal Judges to dismiss all of the indictments and impeachment charges leveled towards Donald J. Trump. The current AG & Director of the FBI both need to be charged with Treason and removed immediately from their positions in the Government!
The judge will now have to have eyes in the back of his head. The dummycrats won’t take this lying down. I’m sure the Clintons are putting another Clintoncide plan into the works.
Thank you Judge for putting these commies in their place. May God be with you Judge.
We definitely need more Judges to support the American Citizens and somehow stop the damage that George W. Busch, Barrack Obama, Clintons and the entire corrupt Government have done in turning America into a third world nation. I thank God we have some Judges that do the right thing and strictly adhere to the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. God Bless this Judge. I think we need some Federal Judges to dismiss all of the indictments and impeachment charges leveled towards Donald J. Trump. The current AG & Director of the FBI both need to be charged with Treason and removed immediately from their positions in the Government!
The judge will now have to have eyes in the back of his head. The dummycrats won’t take this lying down. I’m sure the Clintons are putting another Clintoncide plan into the works.