Democrat run City, this is what you get when people in Chicago vote again for a Democrat Mayor. You would think they would learn, but i guess the school system there is not to good either.
There is no way these FREAKS AND WEIRDOS were elected!!
The people need to demand all election information and results.Get rid of the FREAKS AND WEIRDOS !!!!!
I cannot understand the leaders of the black community and the NAACP not seeing what the results of rioting are doing to America. These kids are nothing but pawns for the democratic communist program and black leaders and pastors and the NAACP should take a stand for America and stop this anarchy!
More violent leftist blacks showing off the hate and black privilege at the same time.
When is this country goign to be honest enough to admit the left/democrats are the problem. they encourage and enable this kind of violence from every single self indulgence group in america.
Democrat run City, this is what you get when people in Chicago vote again for a Democrat Mayor. You would think they would learn, but i guess the school system there is not to good either.
There is no way these FREAKS AND WEIRDOS were elected!!
The people need to demand all election information and results.Get rid of the FREAKS AND WEIRDOS !!!!!
I cannot understand the leaders of the black community and the NAACP not seeing what the results of rioting are doing to America. These kids are nothing but pawns for the democratic communist program and black leaders and pastors and the NAACP should take a stand for America and stop this anarchy!
The only thing living in Chicago are wild animals. These are not human being because normal people don’t act like that.
This just proves Shitcago has always been a hot bed for corruption. Dummycrat city should be burned down again.
More violent leftist blacks showing off the hate and black privilege at the same time.
When is this country goign to be honest enough to admit the left/democrats are the problem. they encourage and enable this kind of violence from every single self indulgence group in america.